The Founders
When the first TBonz opened in 1985, we had no idea where we would be today. We thought, let's do this restaurant thing until we "grow up" and then at that point, we can go and get "real jobs". Well, that was 28 years ago so that means either we have yet to grow up, or that this is our real job. In reality, it's probably a little bit of both.
Mark Cumins & Jerry Scheer, Homegrown Hospitality Group Owners
As the Homegrown Hospitality Group continues to grow, we recognize that our success depends on
exceeding the expectations of our loyal patrons.
Our success has always been rooted in a simple philosophy;
- Provide every guest great hospitality, every time.
- Maintain consistency from day to day, year to year, restaurant to restaurant.
- Commitment to giving back to the communities that nurture us.
• Started our own non-profit TBonz Foundation Inc., to help fund various local charities and give back to the communities in which we work.
• Proudly serve Certified Angus Beef® brand to provide you with the highest quality of beef available. A cut above USDA Prime, Choice, and Select. Ten strict standards set the brand apart.
• Seafood concepts participate in the Sustainable Seafood Initiative. Sustainable seafood is harvested and produced in a manner that provides for our needs today, without compromising the environment or our ability to provide for the needs of future generations.
• We were the first in our industry to support recycling initiatives in the Augusta, Charleston, and Myrtle Beach markets, over 25 years ago and continue to support local recycling programs and efforts.
• Certify all front-of-house staff in responsible service of alcohol program to help ensure the safety and well-being of our guests and communities